Monday, November 14, 2011

Dropbox Shortcuts

Dropbox Shortcuts

Shortcuts are enabled / disabled in Account Settings -> (un)check 'enable' file browser keyboard shortcuts

a                                     Check all/no files
n                                     Uncheck all files
c                                     Copy checked files
m                                   Move checked files
u                                    Up a directory
p                                    Check deleted files
i                                     Invert checked files
/                                     Search
D                                    Show/hide deleted files
Esc                                 Hide Popup
?                                     Show keyboard shortcuts
k / j                                Highlight previous / highlight next file
space                              Check highlighted file
o                                    View highlighted file

 tags: Shortcut support in Dropbox folder,Dropbox - What are keyboard shortcuts and how do I use them?,Can I share shortcuts via dropbox?,Sync Shortcuts using Dropbox,Keyboard shortcut to open Dropbox folder,14 useful Keyboard Shortcuts for Dropbox,4 Advanced Dropbox Tips and Tricks,How to Use Dropbox With Keyboard Shortcuts
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